'Gotta get the girl in a buying mood' Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent (Our italics)
the blog of london based punk rock musicians the athens polytechnic band
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you love indie you does...
Put your make-up on and fix your hair up pretty and Meet us at The Hobby Horse, Kingsland Road, on Saturday 15th of January. It's Tough Love Records Dalston-renowned club night 'No Being Weird' and we're playing it with Childhood and Swanton Bombs.

It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid...
...unless of course you'd forgotten about coming to this show! The Hard Skin Christmas show is always the punk rock event of the year, so come on down, see and be seen, lean and be leaned, cream and be creamed. There will almost certainly be members of the Shitty Limits, Male Bonding and The Tremors in attendance for you to try and schmooze while pretending you don't know who they are as well as fine selection of lagers and ales. So, if you wanna be a UK punk rock persona importius get yourself there, dig? Also, we will be fucking awesome.
the doc makes you wanna take a valium
Why do you walk away when I am trying to show you dreams?.........
........These were the words of Lyon's premier street magician, comdeian, acrobat, impressionist, ventriloquist, gynast and fortune teller as his unbeguiled public began to slowly back away, unimpressed by the levetating cigarette, the dematerialising bank note or the old man eating toaster routine.
Luckily the Athens Polytechnic were forced to endure no such ignomony at the hands of discerning French audiences, putting on as we did a fucking awesome show and being delighted to find a FUCKING AWESOME AUDIENCE there to receive it. We want to send hampers of thanks out to everyone at Grrrnd Zero, especially Alexianne and Camille, who gave us beds, found us cigarettes and passed us beers (that we hadn't paid for). It was also great to see evryone getting into a punk band considering we were at some wierd-ass experimental show with a support band that sounded like a balrog being blown by a northerner and a guy called Bob Log III who was... well, he was this. Thanks Bob for telling us off all the different ways to die in the Arizona desert, we owe you one!
But now, to the important proceedings of the day A SINCERE APOLOGY. We want, from the bottom of our hearts, to apologise to one Badger, resident of Lyon. He was not a real badger, he was a man that is true, but his name was badger. We think. He did everything he could for us, everything, and we let him down. We let him down bad. So while I don't wanna go into all the details here I will just say Badger, wherever you are, the Athens Polytehcnic group is very, very sorry we left in the middle of the rainy night in a strange part of town stoned out of your mind.
Anyway, enough of this wank thanking! Come see us at Dr Kruger's Surgery at the Victoria in Hackney on the 9th of December and any kids from Lyon who said they were gonna send us pictures - where the fucking hell are they?
seen x
It's finally here. The papers wanted to stop it, the punk rock establishment wanted to stop it, the bands whose tunes we ripped off wanted to stop it, hell, most of our parents wanted to stop it but in the words of one more eloquent than us 'the lady is not for turning'. We would not be stopped.