Offset is done. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Some of us saw The Monotonix and agreed it was the best show we had ever seen. Some of us saw Bo Ningen and agreed it was a bloody good show. We all saw Lovvers and danced until we cried. Aimee got her tooth knocked out during Trash Talk. The term 'shitty nifter' entered common parlance. I even saw The Mystery Jets (don't ask). But we have to put all that behind us now, Offset is done.
The show in Ipswich also ruled, huge thanks to everyone who lives at Harland Street for letting us stay and everyone who attended Baxtoberfest IV, we would come back again like that .
Our debut EP 'Selling Out Fast!' is being pressed right now by burly men wiping sweat from their brows at the heart of a natural furnace too close to the centre of the earth for normal specimens of humanity to bare (how many more times can I mention that?)
Few shows coming up here and there but watch out for The Montague Arms on the 23rd of Sep. We're along side the mighty Waxing Captors and local legends Buffalo in SE London's finest ale offering venue. Do it.
For the meantime, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Tommy!

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